Australian Dollar(AUD) To Canadian Dollar(CAD)

Australian Dollar(AUD) To Canadian Dollar(CAD) Exchange Rates Today

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Australian Dollar(AUD) To Canadian Dollar(CAD)

This is the page of Australian Dollar (AUD) to Canadian Dollar (CAD) conversion, below you can find the latest exchange rate between them and is updated every 1 minutes. It shows the exchange rate of the two currencies conversion. It also shows the history chart of this currency pairs, by choosing the time period you can get more detailed information. Would you like to invert the currencies pairs? Please visit Canadian Dollar(CAD) To Australian Dollar(AUD).



0.92731 CAD

Convert Canadian Dollar To Australian Dollar

Exchange Rates Updated: Oct 04,2024 09:17 UTC

Full history please visit AUD/CAD History

Convert Australian Dollar(AUD) To Canadian Dollar(CAD)

1 AUD =0.92731 CAD1.07839 AUD =1 CAD
2 AUD =1.85462 CAD2.15678 AUD =2 CAD
5 AUD =4.63655 CAD5.39194 AUD =5 CAD
10 AUD =9.2731 CAD10.78388 AUD =10 CAD
15 AUD =13.90965 CAD16.17583 AUD =15 CAD
20 AUD =18.54619 CAD21.56777 AUD =20 CAD
25 AUD =23.18274 CAD26.95971 AUD =25 CAD
50 AUD =46.36548 CAD53.91942 AUD =50 CAD

Australian Dollar(AUD) To Canadian Dollar(CAD) History Graph

History Exchange Rate

DateAustralian DollarCanadian Dollar
Friday 04/10/20241 AUD =0.928 CAD
Thursday 03/10/20241 AUD =0.92815 CAD
Wednesday 02/10/20241 AUD =0.93009 CAD
Tuesday 01/10/20241 AUD =0.92835 CAD
Monday 30/09/20241 AUD =0.93551 CAD
Sunday 29/09/20241 AUD =0.93467 CAD
Saturday 28/09/20241 AUD =0.93461 CAD
Friday 27/09/20241 AUD =0.93461 CAD
Thursday 26/09/20241 AUD =0.92891 CAD
Wednesday 25/09/20241 AUD =0.91973 CAD

Full history please visit AUD/CAD Exchange Rates History

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